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Bala’s house broken into

Posted on 7/11/2008 01:46:00 PM by Malaysia Notes

GOMBAK: Private investigator P. Balasubramaniam's house in Taman Pelangi here has been broken into but police have yet to ascertain whether anything was stolen.

According to a neighbour, M. Eswary, a Form Four student, she noticed the back grille gate of Balasubramaniam's house was ajar at 2.30pm yesterday.

“I went to inspect and found the gate and a door leading to the kitchen opened. There was a set of keys each hanging on the padlock gate and the door,” said Eswary, who alerted her father M. Sadasuvam, who later lodged a police report.

Balasubramaniam is said to have taken refuge in a neighbouring country with his wife and children.

Gombak police chief Asst Comm Abdul Rahim Abdullah said police have yet to ascertain what was stolen from Balasubramaniam's house and that the burglars used a duplicate set of keys to gain entry.

He urged anyone with information to contact the Rakan Cop hotline at 03-21159999 or the nearest police station.

On Wednesday, police started recording statements from Balasubramaniam. However, police declined to reveal his whereabouts for security reasons.

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